Sunday, February 11, 2007

MaKiNg ChOcOlAtEs!

these arent the chocolates that we made, but they looked and tasted just as good!!!
On Saturday me, kristi, megan, jade, luke, taylor, sarah k., sharon, bryan, olivia, kevin, carolina, and raul came to the church to make chocolates. We were making chocolates for a fundraiser so all the youth could go snowboarding. So anyway we made peanut butter bon bons and fudge, we had to make the chocolates and the boxes and tie them with ribbon... then today at church we gave them out to the people and we made A LOT of money, It was really fun too. Now i know how to make homemade chocolates!

1 comment:

M E G A N said...

That was ALOT of fun! i hope we do it again soon! they were REALLY YUMMY!!!!!!