Saturday, May 12, 2007

My BuSy YeAr, AnD iT's JuSt AbOuT tO gEt CrAzYeR!!!

So far my year has been pretty crazy, but starting right now, its just going to get crazyer!!!
Next week we are having a huge garage sale to help me raise money. A lot of people from my church are donating things for the garage sale, then the week after that we are having a dinner party to help me raise money. A couple weeks after that I am going to a camp to teach little kids about God, when i come back, a lot of people from my church are going camping 4th of July weekend. On the 4th of July everyones coming to our house 2 watch fire works, On the 6th me and my mom are flying out to California and then i start with the continental singers!!!
Its CRAZY!!! but im soooooo excited!!!

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